Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 3, 2010

So the funeral is over! Im just glad that great grandpa can rest in peace now. And that I can go do whatever. There is a 49 days from his death a celebration then 100 day marking of his death celebration happening in the future as well. It pretty much consist of food and lighting insents.

I brought some of my art work to vietnam in my sketch book and my family says it is pretty nice. So Truc, my aunt/ friend here in vietnam, and I are thinking about heading out to Saigon, the big city, to stay with family and go to art school there for a while. I asked my grandma and she was like alright go learn. She is the one paying for it so I had to ask her, shoot. Hahaha.

Well, that is it for what's going on here for now.

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