Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Computers here in vietnam wont let me go on to facebook anymore!!! I'm at an internet cafe and the lady here that uses FB says the same thing that, FB isn't working anywhere! WHY, OH WHY!!! Now she is looking at me write this blog, akward. Now she knows I am American. Which everyone says I stick out like a sore thumb anyways. Everywhere i go people already know that i am an american, or from somewhere other than Vietnam.

I wanted to take questions on my facebook and answer them here for everyone to read but now that I can't go on facebook to ask people to give me questions to answer about Vietnam, that plan wont work. Why is everyone going on tumblr? I dont think it is even fun. I had one once and really... it was lame. Get a blogspot so you can comment on my post, because i know my friends are reading my post but is seems like no one is because i have no followers or comments from anyone.

Here are some side notes
-Everyone in vietnam has nice handwriting. I mean it is AMAZING.My sister says it is because they have to hand write everything. And americans use the computer instead of writing out essays.
-No one is really scared of bugs. They make fun of me for freaking out when i seen a HUGE thing run across the room. I would be calm about it too if i lived here all my life,all these creatures would be apart of my common life.
-At night every house you pass is watching the world cup. It is pretty funny. I'm sort of getting into watching it with everyone. But i cant watch all the games because I am usually tired at 11pm and the games go on until 3am or whatever.
- So i go to sleep early, but i wake up late? i usually wake up around 11 now-a-days. But normal vietnamese people wake up around 7 if you dont have work. My grandparents wake up at like 5 in the morning. Isnt that nuts? I dont wake up early because I know i want be doing much so what is the point of waking up.
- I have been missing all of my sewing classes lately....... hahhaha. My grandma is yelling at me, she says i need to stop messing around, either be serious or just stop. I want to go, but i am just sooo lazy. I just want to skip all the beginners lessons and start making stuff.
- Oh so i started driving my grandparents moped around. (main transportation in VN)
- I am hopefully getting a hair cut today.

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