Friday, June 18, 2010

Wittle Black Puppies

Yesterday I forces my cousins to wake up from there afternoon slumber to have a water balloon fight with me. Above is me giving my little fatty lovable cousin the "You want some of this face". I was the oldest to play the game everyone was like 6 to 12 years old. I think vietnam has brought out the youth in me.

I swear it is sooo normal to not wear any clothes here in vietnam, well for the guys of course. I have gotten so lazy that I have started to only wear boxers around........ thats what i call FREEDOM

That same day i went to my aunts house and there were puppies!

He looked soo sad :(

Oh it is just us being QTs.


We were doing Ugly faces.

I get sooooo bored sometimes. I was watching the house alone so i decided to turn up some music and take some pictures.

YA, YA, YA, It is pretty slow these days. I dont really do much at all these days but eat and sleep. But i suppose when in vietnam do as the vietnamese do.

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