Saturday, June 5, 2010


There are black outs ever other day here in vietnam. They have been selling all there energy to other countries.

So other then that I haven't really been doing much. People live sort of boring lives here. They watch TV and take naps, sounds nice but I can't handle doing that every single day. My grandma is working on construction for her new coffee place. Every other year I am here she is doing something major. Last year she was working on her Hotel, and the year before that her motel. She is a busy bee! My grandpa is sick, and has been chilling at home. I feel bad because my grandma is never home to take care of him. Yesterday i got sick and my grandpa was like "why are you trying to copy me?" I told him that i just love him so much i want to be like him :) hahaha. Because i didnt feel that well i asked my great aunt to, i dont really know what it is called in english but it is an asian remedy to cure sicknesses. i wanted to show a picture of it because i think you guys would freak out if you saw it. I dont have a camera with me right now so i cant post a photo just yet.

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