Friday, May 28, 2010

Vietnam Day 1-4

Since my time in Vietnam, so far there has been a lot that has been going on. There has alread been a death. My Great Grandpa has died at age 89. These 2 days since he has past on have been full of tears. I remember he would always tease me for being an American. He would call me a lying American... it was my fault for making him call me that. I told him I would do something but i never did. Makes me regret my actions, but i was a kid and i didnt know any better.

Even though there has been a death, my vacation is still fun. I went to the big city, Saigon, my second day here. IT WAS THE BEST! I have been to retail heaven. ALL THE DESIGNER NAMES FOR LOW LOW PRICES. I got a lucky someone a LV WALLET FOR A CHEAP PRICE... i wont tell the price because it is a gift and i shouldn't be telling people prices of gifts. Vietnam has really developed since i have been gone. A LOT OF NEW BULIDINGS have been going up around where i leave. Which i kind of dont like, but oh well. I live in a rual area and it sucks to see sky high aparments next to grass houses. I love the grasses house and the GHETTO of vietnam. Though I wish that wouldn't through all their trash on the floor all the time.

My family here and i dont see eye to eye on many sujects. We are from totally different worlds and i now understand that. The people here have a different sence of humor. All the kids tease me here... WOMP WOMP. I know i am being a baby but i cant help it! They tease be but they love me. They are forcing me to go to a celebration/ sleepover... I AM NOR GOING. ME in a room full of 4 through 10 year olds. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. So the popular thing here is like korean movie stars. My bratty cousin is in love with everything korean, all the kids here sing korean and adore the movie stars from there. Werid aye? They say vietnamese boy are ugly and wish they were all korean..... BITCHES.. haha jkjk.

ALl the pets here are sooo skinny. They make me miss Naomi's cat Twiggy sooo much! I talked about twiggy they other day to people they laughed. I also showed pictures.... what can i say i love Naomi's cat.

OMG the weather here is SCORCHING!The locals say that it is the hottest it has been in years and i AGREE!!! My body is sticky and sweaty as i write this.... 0.0 super cute i know hahaha.

Oh and all the kids here like to play Audition. It is a like computer game that you push buttons and dance... stuff i dont like to do because i dont really play video games that much. But i believe Geoffrey would love to play all these "fun" asian games. Well, blog to you later i got to go do something rather then sit here on the computer......... OMG this reminds me i have to start reading my summer books for AP....damnnn this sucks....... i dont want to do it.


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