Friday, July 23, 2010

World's Food Festival

So the World's Food Festival has just come to Vietnam! I was super excited for this event.... but after attending it yesterday night feelings have changed. I was there around 8 last night and every stand ran out of food, WHAT A JOKE! Why would a world's food festival run out of food? Is that even possible? It was quite disapointing. I was expecting a glore of food, in so I hadn't eatin' since breakfast. And i was super angry when i got there because me hungry is not a nice site to see.

But my sister and brother in law ended up comming up with a great idea and we went to go eat Thai food, which was AMAZING. I'm currently craving some right now, agian.

Still can't believe they ran out of food....... People were saying that we should get there around 3 to eat. I still want to try the food out, so i guess i'll find some people to take me earlier.

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