Monday, December 20, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Last time I was on blogspot I was in a tropical jungle; now I am in the middle of a snow cap. Where has the time gone? I finished my first semester of senior year in high school now four more months till graduation. PLUS, I now am an uncle. As you get older time slips from your hands faster than when you were young. I remember school lasted a lifetime and summer felt like eternal bliss.

A few days ago I went out with a friend of mine who is 23 and he was telling me stories of his life. Now, I am contemplating where I would be if I was 23. Would I have enough stories to tell others about? Though me being me, I would not want to share my life to everyone unless they are reading my blog, duhh. Now I want to keep this as my journal, writing down the interesting on goings of Giau Nguyen.

Personal message to myself and my nicknames for people:
Jwoow U R My Luv, 4now anywayz. U kno how it goez. I am a tEEnAger. THough U IS a DUMB azz 4 not gettin' WIt DiS.jkjkjk but 4realz though

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

9 more days

I went away to my sister-in-law's apartment in the city for a few days. It was a lot of fun.She took me out to eat a lot, you're never hungry when you are with a prego lady, THATS A FACT! I got to hang out with some people that were around my age. They were actually college students but since that are asian they look like me and some looked younger. At first it was akward but they were pretty nice in the end talking to me in english and asking me how to say stuff. I had a hard time understanding their english.... after two days with my sister i went back to my grandparent's house.

Man, summer has gone by so fast for me. I have like 9 more days until home in alaska.

Things i miss about home in Anchorage,
-nice smelling clothes
-my bed (and everthing on it)
-how i dont have to live in harmony with bugs
-it is far away for my cousins
-and friends!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

it's been a while

i haven't been bloging for a while, i know. I have been busy. My parents arrived in vietnam last sunday i think? And so did my sister's friend for my sister's wedding. I am so happy to be able to see my parents agian! i missed them a lot actually. Since they have been here in vietnam, everyday has been family fun packed.

So my older brother found out his wife is having a girl! :) You don't understand how excited i am.
And i have been actually getting close to my sister-in-law, i used to not really like her. She is acutally somewhat like me.

Hmmm what else is there to tell you.... oh man i know i have a lot to tell you guys but i cant come up with anything right now. oh well, bye :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

World's Food Festival

So the World's Food Festival has just come to Vietnam! I was super excited for this event.... but after attending it yesterday night feelings have changed. I was there around 8 last night and every stand ran out of food, WHAT A JOKE! Why would a world's food festival run out of food? Is that even possible? It was quite disapointing. I was expecting a glore of food, in so I hadn't eatin' since breakfast. And i was super angry when i got there because me hungry is not a nice site to see.

But my sister and brother in law ended up comming up with a great idea and we went to go eat Thai food, which was AMAZING. I'm currently craving some right now, agian.

Still can't believe they ran out of food....... People were saying that we should get there around 3 to eat. I still want to try the food out, so i guess i'll find some people to take me earlier.

Monday, July 19, 2010

It has been awhile,

I went on a trip with my grandma and a bunch of other people I didn't really know for a couple of days. The trip was organized by monk and everyone on the trip was buddist! I had such a great time. I feel more into my religon now, buddist are just so chill. We gave food, clothes, & money to the poor and i gave little kids money, IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN! Those kids were sooo cute. Part of the trip was helpping people the other part was group fun activities and site seeing because we went to Nha Thang and Da Lat, two tourist-y places.

This was on our way to go see the reef.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Before my we left saigon we had to stop at this once place we saw on tv. It is a sushi/ fry your own food place. It was pretty awesome, i mean FRY YOUR OWN FOOD! How can that not be amazing?

I'm too into this.....

SO today my grandma asked me if i wanted to go to Da Lat and Nha Trang to go do some volunteer work, passing out clothes, food and other items to poor families. Of course i said YES! So i think we are going somewhere around next week. My grandma loves Da lat because it is a really cold place i always tease her about it, she would love Alaska in the winter then. I on the other hand am excited for Nha Trang they have the best beaches!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard it is really clean there :))))

here are some photos of those places for ya'll to see

Nha Trang^^^^

Da Lat (i have actually been here before)^^^

Saturday, July 3, 2010


ME and my cousin like a while back i just thought i should post it though
To quote my sister "This is the saddest cocolate chip cookie I have ever seen!"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^NY Caffee take 2^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
After a long day of not taking pictures...... :/
My sister in law :)) wit her baby belly... she is still pretty skinny

We went to the park even though my sister-in-law told us that all the parks in vietnam are messed up, because only people without jobs and are looking for drugs go to the park.

Oh the classic Capri-Sun.... WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im tooo lazy to write out alll the events that happen today, later kbye.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Once again,

Facebook isnt work, blah blah blah blah, you all have heard about that in my previous blogs so i wont bore you with that agian.

So today i went to the city again. I had a really great time!! I would write more about it but im wayyyy too tired to...... but i just want to post something before i go to bed. It's 1:50 am and i'll promise you i'll share the details of my trip to the city with ya'll when I get back home to my grandparent's house.

oh but i will tell you this. I was riding my bike around my neighborhood going back to my grandparents house from my aunts house alone a few days ago and this odd event happened to me. These people that were riding a moped, and slowed down right next to me . They started trying to talk to me. They kept saying something about how i was an american kid or what not and i couldnt really here them because their face was all covered (there was a lady that was driving she was wear big sunglasses a mouth cover, normal for everyone to wear, and the man was wearing a hat and mouth cover so i saw his eyes). Then they said come with them and take pictures. i was caught by surprise and didnt know what to say i just kept riding my bike and shaking my head. Then they drove ahead of me and stopped, they kept talking about going with them to take pictures. But i turned into a road where people were and they went off. (if i didnt tell you this, i always ride through desolate area before getting to my grandparent' house, so it's always a bit creeping riding in the dark. but the werid thing is that i wasnt riding in the dark that day i was riding my bike in the day light it was like 2 in the afternoon.)

But really do these people think i really was going to go with them and i didnt even see their face? I am not that dumb.

i told my sister that story and she says that they problemly have been watching me or something because they knew i liked pictures. I am sometimes seen riding my bike with my nikon on hand and they must of lived close by us, sort of.

but i dont think it is that big of a deal, right? Maybe they were just playing around with me.

my grandpa jokingly said that they were promblemly going to take me to thailand for vaction, no biggie.

Well im safe for now, so no worries, DUHHHH. Farewell until my next post.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This Is How I feel on the daily

All Nighter

So tonight was spain vs. portugal, port port lost WOMP WOMP. Im at my great aunts house tonight because i wanted to see the game, LONG STORY on why i cant see it at my grandparents house (where i am staying at for the summer if ya'll didnt know). Well I'm like the only one up it is like 4:33 am, i did an all nighter WHOO HOO. That's what summer is all about isn't?!?! I think my great aunt will freak out when she sees me on the computer when she wakes up for work. Vietnamese people freak out about everything.
blah blah, there is this used clothes place near by i want to go to. DID you know that used clothes is called (translated) AIDS Clothes..... makes you want used clothes doesnt it?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Late Nights

This was my first time trying this site out and the picture kind of turned out sucky but whatever. I was on Danny Roberts blog and I saw that he tried this site out so i thought i would try it out as well. GO and draw for yourself at

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


My Trip to the amusement park, backwards!

Above is me running around a water fountain, we were all tired of walking around the park so we stopped here before leaving.
Some wilderness game, i dont really know, we didn't go in it because it looked boring. But we did take pictures in front of it.
In front of the haunted house. (Wasn't scary at all, but VERY dark!)
They don't have that fruit in America.
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The park is named like "Bouquet of Lotuses" translated.And behind me are lotuses in a huge pond.
There are TONS of dinosaurs around the park. We went into like a land before time kind of ride that was refreshing.

LUCKY NUMBER 7, nufff said