Monday, April 19, 2010

Tux Rental, Please Sign In.

So today after school my friend, Geoffrey, and I went to rent his tux for prom. It was an eventful day. Luckily, I got to documented it all with my camera! Here are some photos I'd like to share to you all (doubt anyone is actually reading this other then Geoffrey and Jessica) and above them I will write some commentary on whats going.

During the ride to Men's Warehouse we saw a man, who actually waved at me.Then moments later, he stopped and started drinking something.... (curious?)

WOW WHAT A WILD BEGINNING? NOTT; Well anyways we ended up at the men's warehouse, safe and sound.

We happen to have ran into some friends renting tuxes for their own prom. What a small world we live in. Geoffrey told me that it would be a good thing to add we met friends there. He says that it makes me seem "POPULAR" + "Cool".

While waiting for some help Geoffrey and Jessica commented on how unflattering those shoes are. hahaha. What do you think? I'm sure someone can pull it off. MEGAN CAPPS?
So there is a story behind this photo! So I was looking through one of the wedding catalogs with photos of women's wedding dress. I flipped to the back where they put the plus size model's photos. I then jokingly said to Geoffrey that that's what his wife would look like. Now, I love a lady with some some curves, don't get me wrong. We (I) were just being immature jokesters! But, out of the blue the manager that was helping us stated that, there are many plus sizes women now-a-days. Adding that there is nothing wrong with being big. Geoffrey and I were pretty shocked, because we didn't really notice the people around us. And did not account that what we (well mostly I) was saying was being broad casted where people were able to hear. I was a be there moment, pretty funny looking back at it. (when she got up I took this photo, so that I could blog about this exact moment)
The End of the tux adventure


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