Friday, April 23, 2010


Here is some of my art, SELF PORTRAIT + LADY GAGA. The computer does not give it justice, not that it is super great in real life or anything. But I am proud of myself :).

So I get inspired and want to take pictures at odd times of the day, but today I actually wanted to take pictures at a time where my sister was able to pose it out for me. She showed some moves Tyra would be proud of! No doubt, no doubt. I love my sister XD. Just like the photos of my art above, these aren't really in great quality. It looks better on my computer, but it ended up in a lower quality on blogspot. OH WELL.

My Next project is working on a video for youtube. It tried making it twice today but Microsoft Movie Maker kept freezing my computer. I'll post it once I fix that problem.

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