Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Losing Is Easy

Great Quality *sarcasm*
Recently, the people that I once were close to have drifted away. I guess this just means they were never meant to be? No surprise there, it was inevitable. I have chatted with a few college grads and the abundance of them agree that the friends they had during high school didn't really last. But the ones that did were really close. But, with today's social networking sites it is easier then ever to stay connected with friends from across the globe. Okay, I'm actually digressing from the real point, which is I have no friends. This obviously bothers me a bit, due to the fact that I now stay at home watching re-runs of Scrubs, which I recently have been obsessed with, eating Fred Meyer's chocolate cake. I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE SCRUBS, but I rather be out with friends then home alone. Yet, at the same time, I enjoy the time I have alone. What does that say about me? That I am really an intravert? I'm kind of doubting that because of my addiction to human interaction. I guess this is my battle with sanity. I suppose it it all human nature.

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