Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm not an animal person but, I love my friend Naomi's cat, Scrappy.

On another note...

I started a notebook of thoughts and random stuff . I just write, draw and paste the oddest things in this booklet. Here is a taste of what is in my mind :@

I don't want to talk about it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

France, Future, Past and a bit of Confusion

Even though this is my Junior year of high school I have been thinking about college a lot. YIKES, the thought of college and money freaks me out. Though, I am trying to not worry about the money part. I feel as though money should not control my choices in life. Don' you agree? My first choice school would be the American University of Paris (AUP), which is located in PARIS, FRANCE. The thought of living in a place full of art and history excites me to the core. But, I also feel unsure of this whole situation. The fact that it is miles away from my family and familiar faces frightens me. Many of my friends are encouraging me to take the risk and go for it. And I appreciate their encouragement but I still have my doubts. Normally, people usually attend school in the states then transfer abroad. So should I wait? Or just dive in?
My mind says GO! This is how I convinced myself;
*Attending AUP will give me the chance to find myself
*Experience a foreign county (other then Vietnam)
* Learn French!
*++++ I will be able to keep going to school.

I think those are some reasonable factors, no?
Even with my wild side convincing me to go, with great reason, part of me doesn't. I think that part of me is scared of the unknown. Which I see as normal. I just wish I knew someone that knew more about AUP. It would be nice to talk to a current student. OR a future student that knows more then I do about this university and can claim my nerves.

Oh well, I'll just keep doing personal research into AUP.
Oh, you may be wondering why I want to go to France for college other then the art and history. I have gone to France before on a school trip and I have discovered that France is not a place you can only go once in your life. It is a place you must revisit. Here are some photos of my trip in Spring of 2009, over a year has pasted now, but I can still remember it as though it was yesterday.

I didn't say they were great photos!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Losing Is Easy

Great Quality *sarcasm*
Recently, the people that I once were close to have drifted away. I guess this just means they were never meant to be? No surprise there, it was inevitable. I have chatted with a few college grads and the abundance of them agree that the friends they had during high school didn't really last. But the ones that did were really close. But, with today's social networking sites it is easier then ever to stay connected with friends from across the globe. Okay, I'm actually digressing from the real point, which is I have no friends. This obviously bothers me a bit, due to the fact that I now stay at home watching re-runs of Scrubs, which I recently have been obsessed with, eating Fred Meyer's chocolate cake. I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE SCRUBS, but I rather be out with friends then home alone. Yet, at the same time, I enjoy the time I have alone. What does that say about me? That I am really an intravert? I'm kind of doubting that because of my addiction to human interaction. I guess this is my battle with sanity. I suppose it it all human nature.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Theory, siiikee

Lately, all I have been able to listen to is Toro Y Moi. Chazwick Bundick (the artist behind Toro Y Moi) takes music to the next level. His light and fun beats bring summer to the land of slush. But, I can't really talk about Toro Y Moi without bring up Washed Out, these two new wave chill artists are taking over and I'm not worried about it at all. Toro Y Moi and Washed Out are friends, no surprise there, and Toro Y Moi has actually remixed one of Washed Out's songs, Feel It All Around. Now don't just believe me when I say this but, it is quite amazing. These two artist should collaborate more often, maybe even unite? I'm not hating on that thought. Can I get an amen?