Tuesday, August 3, 2010

9 more days

I went away to my sister-in-law's apartment in the city for a few days. It was a lot of fun.She took me out to eat a lot, you're never hungry when you are with a prego lady, THATS A FACT! I got to hang out with some people that were around my age. They were actually college students but since that are asian they look like me and some looked younger. At first it was akward but they were pretty nice in the end talking to me in english and asking me how to say stuff. I had a hard time understanding their english.... after two days with my sister i went back to my grandparent's house.

Man, summer has gone by so fast for me. I have like 9 more days until home in alaska.

Things i miss about home in Anchorage,
-nice smelling clothes
-my bed (and everthing on it)
-how i dont have to live in harmony with bugs
-it is far away for my cousins
-and friends!